Colin Noyes is a coach and consultant based in Brisbane. He has 30 years of extensive experience working for both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations. Colin specialises in organisational health and growth, change management, leadership development, team building, and staff recruitment and development. He works closely with his international team to design and field-test creative training strategies. They also train, equip and work with leaders on effective strategies for building healthy organisations that optimise individual performance.
Over the years, Colin has been a pastor, a business owner, a trainer, a college principal and a lecturer. He now uses his vast knowledge and experience to consult and coach various consultants, coaches, businesses, educational institutions, churches and not-for-profit organisations. Colin is also the author of several books.
Colin offers the following coaching services:
- Coaching for business managers: Are you struggling to prioritise, getting overwhelmed with your financials, and having difficulties with you your staff? Colin will help you take control of your business and help it flourish.
- Coaching for executives: Need to grow as a leader or make improvements in staff and team relationships, so your business becomes more productive and profitable? Colin has a number of proven methods that help executives develop their leadership skills, so their teams can become more successful.
- Coaching for churches: If you’re trying to build a successful church where everyone works collaboratively and effectively and where your church thrives and serves its community well, then Colin will work with you and your team to discover the best approaches to help you achieve your goals.
- Coaching for denominational executives: Need to grow as a leader, work more effectively with staff and volunteers and discover the right organisational structures for your denomination? Colin has successfully coached executives of both denominations and para-church organisations. He can do the same for you.
Colin is the director of CoachNet (South Pacific), the CoachNet® Team that developed the CoachNet Coach Training Process for coaches. He has helped to implement the process in Australia and around the world.
Colin is also chief executive officer of ResourceZone, where he works closely with international authors and publishing groups to publish a large range of resources for leaders, coaches and other individuals worldwide. He has written several resources, which can be found at www.resourcezone.com.au. These resources are designed to help leaders reach their full potential in whatever field they’re working. Topics include change management, conflict resolution, problem solving, leadership development, goal setting, team building, coaching, discipleship, church growth, and church planting.
Praises from Colin’s clients
“Many years ago, I wrote the original Church Planter’s Toolkit and since then have been increasingly focused on coaching and ministry multiplication. I have also very recently founded Logan Leadership, an organisation dedicated to providing coaching and cutting-edge resources to help ministry leaders actively pursue their unique place in God’s Kingdom.
Although I’ve served as a coach for a long time and have provided coach training to thousands over the years, people are often surprised to find that I have a coach myself. For 20 years, an Australian, Colin Noyes has been my coach.
Colin has walked with me every step of the way through my ongoing ministry transitions. His guidance, listening ear and incisive questions have been invaluable to me as I’ve navigated these many changes. Colin has been perceptive and insightful, skilfully helping me discover where I need to go next.
If you are serious about moving forward and getting done what God wants you to get done, I would recommend you make contact with Colin and talk to him about a coaching relationship. Colin is one of the best coaches I know. But be careful. Coaching with Colin is not for everyone. He will push you and challenge you and sometimes make you very uncomfortable.” — Dr Robert Logan, head of Logan Leadership. Dr Logan has over 40 years of ministry experience, including church planting, pastoring, consulting, coaching, and speaking.
“If you have ever walked in the bottom of a large rocky gorge, you will understand that there seem to be only two directions in which you can move. The first is to continue doing what you are doing and keep walking. Secondly, you can track back and repeat the steps that have brought you this far.
The questions that Colin asks me are around, ‘Do I have a third option?’ Is there a way that I can get some perspective on my current situation by taking a moment to look back? Colin encourages me to become brave enough to ask, ‘Is what I’m currently doing producing the results I want?’
Colin continually challenges me in the areas that need to change first is me as I take personal responsibility for my own journey. I need to be willing to confront my own long-standing paradigms. This journey has cost me much but has delivered even more. I would encourage you to make contact with Colin and commit to this costly personal process.” — Richard Sharp, head of Live Story, and former director of Youth for Christ Australia
“When I conducted the original research in 2000 on what world-class coaches do, I interviewed Colin Noyes. I was impressed with the way he embraced the coach-approach as a tool to empower people. Since then Colin has become a friend, colleague and coach. His academic expertise is balanced by practical analysis that results in disciples being made, leaders reproduced and movements catalysed. I like to tell my clients that I am where I am today because of Colin’s influence in my life and ministry.” — Dr Gary B. Reinecke, executive director of InFocus — www.infocusnet.org
Ready to unlock your potential and take leadership to the next level?
Ready to unlock your potential and take leadership to the next level?
Colin can be contacted by email at [email protected]